Take the survey!
Did you miss the in-person Open House? Take the virtual Open House Survey online now! You will be able to review draft goals and a preliminary vision statement, as well as Opportunity Site design concepts. Your feedback will be incorporated into the final plan.
About Palatine’s Comprehensive Plan
The Village of Palatine has begun the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan in order to set community goals and guide the Village into the future. The updated Comprehensive Plan will help the Village to capitalize on its existing assets, such as its traditional downtown core, beautiful neighborhoods, quality schools, proximity to transit, and community services. It will also consider planning strategies for sustainable growth, Village-wide beautification, diversification of its employment base, and the addition of new recreational and open space amenities.
During the comprehensive planning process, the planning team will address the following challenges:
Evaluating important commercial corridors in the Village and how they can continue to respond to the community’s needs.
Reviewing obstacles to non-motorized transportation (biking, walking, etc.) that make it harder to go places without driving in a car.
Taking a new look at Palatine’s downtown and how it can continue evolving into a special place in the community.
Identifying key redevelopment opportunities in Palatine, areas that have potential to transform into meaningful, impactful places for the Village.
Share your Vision!
What are your favorite things about Palatine and what would you like to change in the future? We want to incorporate your thoughts and opinions into the Comprehensive Plan.
Planning Phases
The planning process will span three phases, with each phase informing the next. This phased approach will help the planning team to comprehensively understand and address the community’s needs.
State of the Village
The focus of Phase 1 is to establish a dynamic community planning process that involves a wide range of community stakeholders, committees, and public agency representatives, and to create a comprehensive information base and analysis maps to facilitate discussion and understanding of existing conditions. The information and maps produced during this phase will determine and clearly define community constraints, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities, as well as form the basis for developing the Comprehensive Plan and Implementation Strategy.
The final deliverable for this phase will be a State of the Village report.
Community Visioning
During this phase, the Team, together with Village leaders, property owners, business owners, and residents, will generate a range of comprehensive planning ideas and concepts through visioning sessions and workshops. From this idea exchange, a series of planning options will evolve that address community planning issues, economic development, downtown and neighborhood revitalization, resiliency, open space, transportation, and other planning topics.
The team will prepare design studies and concepts of critical sub-areas identified during the Phase 1 assessment, as well as identify case studies for addressing community issues or capitalizing on existing opportunities.
The final deliverable for this phase will be a Draft Comprehensive Plan.
Comprehensive Plan
In Phase 3 the Team will further refine the Draft Comprehensive Plan and Implementation Strategy by seeking additional community and stakeholder input. Based on this input, the Team will complete a Second Draft Plan. The Second Draft Plan will serve as the basis for conducting a final community open house to solicit additional feedback and input. A Community Open House will be held and will include stations organized around each of the Plan themes.
Informed by final community feedback, a Final Plan will then be prepared and presented to the Village Council for review and adoption.
The final deliverable for this phase will be the Final Comprehensive Plan and Implementation Strategy.
We need your input! A great comprehensive plan is one that is informed by community feedback. Throughout the planning process, there will be several community engagement opportunities, including in-person workshops, online surveys, and more. Upcoming community events and engagement opportunities will be posted here. Be sure to sign up for email updates below to stay informed.
Join Us!
Join us for a Community Open House!
Wednesday June 5th
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Village Hall
200 E Wood St.
This second Community Open House is an opportunity for the Village to share draft goals and strategies for the new Comprehensive Plan with the community. In addition to plan goals and strategies, the team will present planning concepts for key opportunity sites located within the Village.
Plan Documents
This section will be updated with plan-related documents, such as Open House materials, the State of the Village reports, Comprehensive Plan drafts, and more. Check back soon!
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